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Board of Health Minutes 2/21/07
Chilmark Board of Health Minutes
February 21, 2007

Attendees: Mike Renahan, Katie Carroll, Sylvia Yeomans, Reid Silva, Michael Barclay, Chris Alley

The minutes of February 7, 2007 were approved.

Review seating at the Home Port Restaurant with Jan and schedule Brian Dudley to come out in March to review the Home Port and other Menemsha restaurants.

Robert Thorpe (19-50) B This disposal works application will be held for the next meeting so the Board can discuss with Kent questions regarding the soils and separation of well to property line.

Nicholas Stevens (30-118) B Reid Silva and Michael Barclay were present to discuss the renovation at the property.  Reid visited the site and observed a septic tank and a pit.  It appears to have five bedrooms.  Reid read in the inspection report that the tank was installed backwards.  This system was inspected in September of 2003.  The intent is to tear down the existing house and construct a new one.  Since this will be new construction, the Board is requesting a new septic design for approval prior to obtaining a building permit.  

Vicki J. Divoll (25-86) B This disposal works application is for a shared system, a six (6) bedroom main house and a two (2) bedroom future guest house.  Although the owner does not intend to build the guest house now, the Board reviewed a site drawing showing that the property will support two fully compliant Title 5 septic systems. The application for an eight (8) bedroom shared system was approved.

Robert & Rolinda Lurie (33-46) B The Board approved this disposal works application for a six (6) bedroom residential septic system. Five bedrooms in the main house and one bedroom over the garage.  The garage is not connected to the septic system.  The existing well will be abandoned.  This construction permit will be held until the new well completion report is received.

9 Azalea Nominee Trust (29-8) B The Board approved a disposal works application for a four (4) bedroom residential dwelling.

M.V. Hill (33-115) B The Board reviewed and made changes to a draft of an enforcement letter to be sent to Mr. Villa.

The Board requested that Sylvia research Title 5 and find out if the lot size is required on site plans.  

Ted Wheeler (33-18) B In response to the ZBA=s memo to the Board of Health, a memo will be sent to the ZBA commenting on the following two conditions;
1) The existing septic system will accommodate the proposed renovation.
2) A copy of the letter sent to Mr. Alden will be attached.

The following Disposal Works Installer=s Permit was approved:
Vineyard Engineering, Inc.

The Board instructed Sylvia to find out if a phone was installed at the landfill shack.  If there is no phone, Sylvia was instructed to purchase one and have it installed.  

Gordon Reese (18-86) B The Board reviewed a letter from Mr. Reese, explaining why he installed insulation in his garage.  The Board instructed Sylvia to issue a memo to the Building Inspector informing him that the Board of Health has no objection but there is to be no living space or plumbing in this structure.

The following Aas-built@ letter was  received:
Wallace Baker (8-55)                            Pacer Nominee Trust (35-41)     

The following invoices were submitted and approved:
Vineyard Electronics, Inc.                              $  16.95
Visiting Nurse Service (December)                         425.00
Visiting Nurse Service (Special)                          255.00
Visiting Nurse Service (January)                          850.00
Massachusetts Water Works Association, Inc.         75.00                                  
Respectfully Submitted,
Sylvia Yeomans

_________________________       _____________________   _______________________
Michael A. Renahan, Chairman    Katherine L. Carroll            Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health        Chilmark Board of Health

These minutes have been transcribed from a tape.  The tape is on file and available for perusal